Happy Sale-A Bration & Happy Groundhog Day!
If you do not already know, Sale-A-Bration is a SU yearly promo. With every $50.00 you spend on SU merchandise you can select a stamp set for FREE out of the Sale-S-Bration brochure. I will post the brochure here. If you would like a brochure sent to you just let me know an I will be happy to pop one in the mail to you. When you host a workshop of at least $300 you will receive a free Sale-A-Bration product in addition to your hostess benefits. If you would like to host a workshop please phone or e-mail. (Also, with a $150 order you will receive 3 products FREE from the Sale-A-Bration brochure in addition to hostess benefits!) So now is the time to stock up on your products and get some of the new sets you have on your wish list! If you have any questions just ask!
I wonder if the groundhog will see his shadow? If he doesn't does that me spring will be early? I can't remember now. It is hard for me to believe it is February already. Grace and Sam turn eight next month. That is just crazy.
Hope you all had a great time watching the Super Bowl. We had a great time with lots of goodies to eat.
The card you see is a Valentine I made on Saturday. The set used is called Olive You and was retired. The paper on the card is vellum this pattern was also retired. Not sure if you can tell but the bug has glitter and crystal effects on his shell.
I was able to get some cards made and the kids Valentine treats done over the weekend. I made a total of 60 treats. Grace and Sam have 26 children in their class and I made a few extra to hand out to neighborhood friends.
Thanks for looking!